Here is a picture of the eggs, veg mix and quark before I combined them.
Here is a picture after I combined the veg and quark; notice the creamy Carbonara look to the whole thing.
If you are wondering how I made it all, I used two microwaves at work to cook the sweet potato, veg and eggs before mixing the quark in straight out of the fridge. The sweet potato is buried beneath the veg, whole. Here are the ingredients:
5 x whole eggs [organic] (30g protein, vitamins)
3 x tomatoes (carotene lycopene - a REALLY powerful anti-oxidant)
1 x red onion (sulphur, quercetin - another REALLY powerful anti-oxidant)
1 x yellow bell pepper [organic] (vitamin C, carotene lycopene)
1 x medium sweet potato (complex carbs, vitamins, fibre)
400g Haricot beans [organic in water, drained] (15g protein, fibre, folate)
Kale (Vitamin C)
1 x 250g tub of quark (32 g protein)
This is what I call super-food!!
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